Thursday, October 14, 2010

Maybe it make no differences...

Aiya, aiya...
Come to think about it,
Maybe you will just get so pissed off when I looked for you....

Come to think about it,
Maybe you won't even bothered to listen to what I'm gonna explain...
Maybe you will just walked off...

Can don't just walk away but listen to me,
can you just don't keep chanting the unholy words and let me finish my sentences to you,
Can you just be calm for that moment while logic makes sense to you...?

"Love is not about how long you stay with that person,
but it's how long you can make that person stay with you with that feeling...

When the feeling is gone,
You can tried to bring it back but you gonna tried even harder...

It's about her feeling..."

That's from my book :D

and many blogs were as usual like mine with deep deep thoughts and deep deep meaning...

Sometimes, I want to be there for you but it's the door you refused to open...
I dont have the keys to your doors and I could only knock to let you know that I'm there,just beside the door...

To a stranger:
I read many other people blog,
Only one was really funny and it's really lively reading it...
It does make my day,
somehow I dont really know you,
But it's really nice to know how you live each day...
How pancakes can become so important to you and stuff goes on without failing to make you smile...:D
One super duper cheerful stranger!

smile abit just a tiny little bit...

and i really dislike people who are not responible for their actions...
Why not you just go away! Stupid...

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